Alexander, Ethan, Micah, Jackson, Dr. Q, and a random man from the train station waiting for the train from Nottingham to Oxford (waiting for table seat on the train)
 | Alice, Talulah, Ashley, Max, Jayla, Gloria, and Ms. Al Karkhi waiting for the bus, wishing to sit down at a table after the long walk
 | Talulah, Alice, and Mackenzie sitting around a table, enjoying a rest period after the long train ride from Nottingham to Oxford, at the Holiday Inn at Oxford
 | Ethan, Micah, Alexander, and Dr. Q enjoying a moment of rest after a 4 hour train ride around a table after arriving at the Holiday Inn at Oxford
 | Dr. Q, Alexander, Max, Ethan, Ms. Al Karkhi, Gloria, Alice, Mackenzie, Jackson, and Micah sitting on the second story of a double decker bus, wishing there was a table
 | Jayla, Sabrina, Rachel, and Ashley enjoying time atThirsty Meeples, the board game cafe
 | Micah, Mackenzie, Talulah, Alice, Gloria, Max, and Alexander playing Ticket to Ride around a table at Thirsty Meeples, the board game cafe
 | Ms. Al Karkhi, Jackson, Dr. Q, and Ethan playing Sheriff of Nottingham around a table at Thirsty Meeples, the board game cafe
 | Ashley, Gloria, and Jayla sitting around a table during dinner at Byron Burgers
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